a new city is by water. So I took a bus up the Coromandel
Peninsula with this in mind
Coromandel has a unique feel to it. Rural and coastal in a
different way than the west coast of South Island or 'party
central' Tauranga. Unfortunately there isn't much to do there.
This is a lookout 15 minutes walk from Coromandel town.
But it was totally worth it. The ferry ride was beautiful with
views of the Coromandel in the late day sun
I was amazed at the green hillsides that stretched right down
to the sea.
Having grown up around power boats I was fascinated by the wake of
the 'Cat' or two-hulled ferry. Not so good for waterskiing.
Along the way there were many interesting islands
We even stopped at one of the larger ones. This was taken as we
As we got closer I was worried that it might be too dark to see
Auckland properly
A full moon even rose up behind us as the light faded.
But as we approached the lights of the city emerged in the distance.
The ferry dropped us off right in the heart of the city on a
beautiful clear night.